meet lola !

real name: choi yujeong
birthday: feb. 22 2001
position: main rapper, visual
mbti: ESFJ

meet the
admin !

1 admin, she/her, 03'
*[❣️] any admin posts will be under this emoji!

about the account!

⭒sns updates consist of b.stage, instagram lives, fancafe & tiktok
↳if there are any kinds of translations, it'll be specified as "auto-translated" as i am not a korean speaker!
⭒you can find any tour content on this account by searching 🔎:
"PIXYin___ (city name)" & "KarmaisABTour" or "LastNightInTheDarkCityTour"
⭒dms are always open!⭒hate is absolutely not tolerated here or curiouscat
↳if there are concerns of any kind, please dm me!